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hi im knox! heres some info on me:


-im a minor
-im from new jersey
-im bisexual and i use he/him/his + she/her/hers pronouns (order of preference
-i dont use trigger tags very often, p much any common triggers (s/h, eds, ect.) i only talk about on my private account
-i really like nu metal, especially limp bizkit
-i tend 2 spam like on accident sometimes :P
-i have a pet rabbit named bear and a pet mouse named sid and i talk about them p often
-one of my favorite animals are sables :)
-i have some trouble with tone, i dont rlly need tone indicators but i might ask 4 clarification on the tone of things sometimes
-byf u should know that i like some problematic artists, i dont support their actions, i just like their music lol
-my personality type is intp

kins curious cat

**dnf if your account is 18+/nsfw please!!**