welcome 2 my premium!! heres some info about my private twitter..

things i talk about **untagged** on my private acc that could b triggering/make u uncomfortable:
-self harm/injury
-disordered/restricted eating
-paranoid thoughts

some rulez 2 follow:
-do not screenshot my tweets without permission. if u screenshot anything without permission i most likely will hardblock you on my private account and possibly even my main! blocking out my username or profile picture does not change this!!
-do not give anyone the password or domain name for this site! if you do i will hardblock you!

alright thats it!! :D if you read this send me this ヾ(・ω・)メ(・ω・)ノ kaomoji 2 let me know!!

btw!! if any of this makes u uncomfortable just softblock or dm me so i can tag something!! ill understand :)